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TreeGrid versions compatibility

Changes log (txt file) Using custom CSS from 13.3 to 14.0 Upgrading from 9.3 to 10.0 Upgrading from 5.9 to 6.0

Using in JavaScript frameworks

Angular Ember Express React Svelte Vue Other frameworks NodeJS server SalesForce LWC

Creating grid

Simple examples Basic information Creating grid Deleting grid Reloading grid Rendering grid Accessing grid by API

Data & communication
Data communication with server

Communication types AJAX communication AJAX SOAP envelope Submit communication Directly included data Data from JavaScript Cross domain / local load by JSONP Sessions (AJAX) Server response (AJAX) Synchronous communication (AJAX) Caching (AJAX) API (AJAX)

Download data

Settings for data download Layout XML structure Data XML structure

Upload data

Settings for data upload API for upload XML structure sent to server

Changing data from server

XML structure of download changes XML structure of request for a cell Synchronizing data with server

Input / output data formats

Complete list of tags Internal XML format Short XML format Extra short XML format DTD XML format JSON format

Cell basics

Cell type Cell format Dynamic format Dynamic type Cell value Reading / writing attributes by API Cell HTML Cell default Range or more values in one cell Cell with link URL Cell hint Cell tooltip / title Cell popup menu

Cell editing and changing values

Cell editability Dynamic editing Locking Defaults list Suggest list (auto complete) Tags input Changing cell value Mass cell change Clearing cells Editing cells Controlling <input> tag by JavaScript Input validation and restrictions Side checkbox Cell selecting

Calculations - cell formulas

Basics Formulas Mathematical functions Aggregate functions Special functions for actions Custom functions

Calculations - editable cell formulas

Basics Suggest list (auto complete) Defined names Actions for choosing cells Conditional functions Lookup functions Cell reference functions Logical functions Informational functions Mathematical functions Trigonometry functions Rounding numbers Number conversions String functions Date functions Summary functions Custom functions

Cell side buttons

Introduction Right side Button Left side Icon

Cell spanning

Column span Row span Dynamic spanning

Cell style and color

Basic grid style Sizing and scaling - responsive design Dynamic cell style attributes Cell CSS class Cell background color Dynamic cell border Cell HTML style Row color alteration Cell mouse cursor

Editable cell images

Insert image Edit image

Cell types
Automatic type - Auto String - Text, Lines & Pass
Number - Int & Float

Format Localization

Date and time - Date

Format Calendar component Dates dialog Localization

List & combo - Enum & Radio

Introduction Definition Related lists Enum specific Radio specific

Checkbox - Bool
Action button - Button

Introduction Basic clickable button Switch button Radio / tab button Menu button Combo switch button Combo radio / tab button Special Space rows with buttons

Panel with more buttons - Panel

Definition Standard fast panel Custom panel

HTML and special types

Html type EHtml type (editable) Icon type Abs type List type Editable Link type Editable Img type DropCols type Upload File type


Column basics Column index Column visibility Column visibility menu Column selecting Column tree Auto column tree Column position and moving Column adding and copying Column deleting Column width Column API

Row basics

Rows by functionality Rows by position Row name Row id Row index

Default rows

Description Example of default rows Example of changing default row Attributes

Row tree

Tree attributes Actions & API for expand / collapse

Row identification

Setting row id attribute Row id attribute in tree Row id created from cell values API for row ids

Row visibility
Row adding and copying

Five ways of adding rows to grid Adding and copying restrictions Adding new empty rows Copying existing rows

Row deleting Row moving and dragging Row selecting Row height Row API Space rows
Sorting rows

Sort settings Controlling sort position Comparing strings Sorting actions Sorting API

Grouping rows to tree

Group settings Creating groups Comparing strings Created group rows <D Group='1'/> User interface to choose grouping Grouping actions and API

Filtering rows

Filter settings Comparing strings User interface to choose filter Filter actions and API

Searching in rows and cells

Search settings User interface for search Search actions and API

Printing grid

Print settings Choosing items to print Page size Print API

Print / export to PDF

Introduction Client side settings Printing options Client side API Server side API Data sent from client to server

Export to Excel or CSV

Introduction and export types Basic settings Styling export XLSX export Gantt export CSV export Old XLS / XHTML export Export API Communication with server Client export Server export

Import from Excel

Basic settings Sheets manipulation

Copy & paste rows via clipboard

Copy & paste permissions Copying to clipboard Pasting from clipboard

Master - detail grids

Introduction External master - detail grids Nested master - detail grids Synchronizing grids Other attributes for master - detail

Pivot tables

Pivot attributes & API Pivot formulas

External objects (custom JavaScript objects) Undo & Redo
Gantt and bar chart
Gantt objects

Gantt objects list Display settings Edit settings

Main bar

Definition of main bar and plans Main bar as Task Edit settings Main bar content and side html Tip on mouse hover Vertical position and height Style specific attributes API to manipulate Main bars Actions Side text (deprecated) Real Flow (deprecated)

Run bar

GanttRun Definition Extended definition Run bar as Task Edit settings Save format Selecting Run boxes Run box content and side html Tip on mouse hover Box identification Vertical position and height Style specific attributes Overlaid (Error) boxes Containers for more boxes Dragging - moving and resizing API to manipulate Run boxes Actions Run special formulas

Summary task

Main for Main Main for Run Editable Main Editable Run

Gantt icons - Flag & Point

Flag - icon with text Point - math points

Gantt display objects

Header - column captions Cell and column Background Vertical movable Line Mark & Progress line

Gantt zoom

Zoom options Chart size limits Zoom selection Paging in Gantt chart

Dependency, constraints & schedule

Introduction Data units Defining dependencies Dependency colors and shapes Changing dependencies Correcting dependencies Scheduling algorithm Project date constraints Task date constraints Critical path - Slack (Float)

Gantt calendars

Global base calendar Local calendar Calendar list Calendars dialog Other settings

Gantt resources

Resources list Resources assign Resources filter Resources calculations Availability chart Resource usage chart Generated resource usage chart

Gantt popup menu Gantt API
Line and XY points charts

Charts in grid cells Chart JSON definition Base chart settings Basic attributes Size Axis and caption Individual chart lines Data sources Visual settings API for standalone usage

Paging in large grids
Paging root rows

Paging types and attributes Auto adding root pages API for paging

Pager components

Side pager Side pager type Pages Side pager type Gantt Side pager type Custom Pager with navigation buttons & edit Pager as list of page indexes

Paging in tree

ChildPaging - load / render on expand MaxChildren - limit children count ChildParts - load / render on scroll

Paging columns

Paging types and attributes Auto adding column pages API for column paging

Server paging

Server paging for root rows Server communication in root paging Root paging in very large tables Server paging in tree Server communication in tree paging XML Request for Data in root paging XML Download Data in root paging XML Request for root Page / children XML Download root Page / children API for server paging

TreeGrid DLL/SO for server paging

Introduction Compatibility with TreeGrid control Using TreeGrid server DLL/SO ASP.NET C# ASP.NET VB PHP JSP Java TreeGrid server concepts Function reference Calculations

JSON menus and dialogs
JSON menu description JSON menu definition example
Menu settings

Base attributes Visual settings Key navigation Behavior Size and scroll

Menu item settings

Base attributes Clickable item Inactive caption Collapsible sub level Popup sub menu Columns Bool item Enum item Edit item

Custom menu in JavaScript

Show custom menu Custom menu position Custom menu advanced settings Custom menu JavaScript events Custom menu JavaScript methods

Calendar dialog Custom calendar & JavaScript events Custom dialog in JavaScript
Global grid settings
Grid size and scroll

Default behavior Maximize grid height and width Update size according to the content Let a user to control the grid size Widths of individual sections Other scrolling attributes and API

Media rules - responsive design

Language & regional setup (Text.xml) Translate texts dynamically Change language

Grid cursor - Focus & hover

Focused cell and row Focused cell range Move and copy focused cells Filling cell values by dragging Tabulator navigation Key navigation Cursor look - focus & hover

Selecting rows, cells and columns

Selecting base Selecting rows Selecting cells Selecting columns

Global settings

Status messages Configuration menus Configuration menu - options Configuration menu - columns Configuration menu - print / PDF Configuration menu - export Default toolbar Useful API function Help file


Animations base Row animations Column animations Cell animations Animations for undo / redo Animations for server side changes Dialog animations

Grid configuration in cookies
Mouse & key events & actions

List of event handler types TreeGrid mouse events Mouse event names Key and mouse button prefixes Touch event names Event targets Assigning event actions / callbacks Event action parameters Action name suffix Calling actions from JavaScript Creating custom actions Focused vs. Actual cell TreeGrid key events JavaScript API events

Mouse API event TreeGrid files
Debugging and testing

Debug window Automated testing

Events and actions

TreeGrid documentation

TreeGrid contains fully customizable Key and Mouse schema, all key and mouse actions (JavaScript callbacks, event handlers) are set in Defaults.xml in <Actions> tag and can be changed by a user.

JavaScript callbacks / event handlers in TreeGrid

a) TreeGrid mouse events
Every part (row, cell, button, etc.) in grid has its own name and you can attach an action for it:
click, double click, right click, mouse down, mouse up, mouse over, mouse out, mouse move, start drag, drag over (over when dragging).
To the action name is attached key prefix when some control key is held down: "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt", "Meta" (on Mac) and their combinations.
The actions can be defined in global <Actions> tag, attached in global Grids array by JavaScript, defined for specific <C>, <I> or cell.
The JavaScript action has always this definition: function (TGrid Grid, TRow Row, TCol Col, TEvent Event), where Row, Col is cell under mouse.
b) TreeGrid key events
There are three different key actions called when a user presses key in Focused grid: regular, edit, edit multiline.
The action name is the key name defined in <Actions> tag.
To the action name is attached key prefix when some control key is held down: "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt", "Meta" (on Mac) and their combinations.
The actions can be defined in global <Actions> tag, attached in global Grids array by JavaScript, defined for specific <C>, <I> or cell.
The JavaScript action has always this definition: function (TGrid Grid, TRow Row, TCol Col, TEvent Event), where Row, Col is focused cell.
c) TreeGrid API events
TreeGrid provides many JavaScript callbacks for many actions done in grid, like OnSelect, OnRenderFinish, OnClick and so on.
The actions are attached to global Grids array by JavaScript.
The JavaScript actions have various definitions.
d) TreeGrid calculations and formulas
Every row or cell attribute can be calculated, so it can have attached JavaScript formula to calculate the value. Basically the formulas are used to calculate cell values, but also other attributes can be calculated.
e) Standard JavaScript events
You can attach any JavaScript event handler like onclick to any tag on HTML page and provide some action with TreeGrid using its API. The grid is accessible by global Grids array.
You can attach JavaScript events also to HTML code inside grid cells, but if there are many such cells, it can remarkably slow down the grid, so you should reconsider it and use another event option.

TreeGrid mouse events

The event name consists from: On + key_prefix + event_name + target.
For example OnMouseOverTree, OnShiftClickRow, OnCtrlShiftRightClickCell
Mouse event names
OnClick - when the target is clicked (any mouse button is pressed and released). Called after OnMouseUp. Called only if mouse did not move between button press and release.
OnDblClick - when the target is double clicked (left mouse button is pressed, released, pressed and released). Called after OnMouseUp. Called only if mouse did not move between button press and release.
OnRightClick - when the target is clicked by right mouse button, similar to OnClick. Since 7.0 it is just OnClick event with "Right" mouse button prefix.
OnLongClick - (new 12.1) when the target is clicked for time longer than 500ms (set by LongClick), (any mouse button is pressed and released). Called after OnMouseUp and before OnClick. Called only if mouse did not move between button press and release. Useful especially for touch events.
OnRightLongClick - (new 12.1) when the target is clicked by right mouse button for long time, similar to OnLongClick. it is just OnLongClick event with "Right" mouse button prefix.
OnMouseDown - when any mouse button is pressed on the target
OnMouseUp - when any mouse button is released on the target
OnMouseOver - when mouse is moved to the target. For every target is the event run only once (opposite to standard JavaScript onmouseover event). See also OnDragOver.
OnMouseOut - when mouse leaves the target. For every target is the event run only once (opposite to standard JavaScript onmouseout event).
OnMouseMove - whenever mouse moves above the target. It is called many times, so the handler should be very simple and fast.
OnDrag - when dragging should be started on the target - when user holds down any mouse button and slightly moves mouse
OnDrop - (new 7.0) when dragging successfully finished on the target. Called only if the dragging successfully started and OnDrag returned true.
OnDragOver - called instead of OnMouseOver when dragging is active
Key and mouse button prefixes
Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Meta, ShiftCtrl, ShiftAlt, CtrlAlt, ShiftCtrlAlt
(since 7.0) Right, ShiftRight, CtrlRight, AltRight, ShiftCtrlRight, ShiftAltRight, CtrlAltRight, ShiftCtrlAltRight. The Right prefix cannot be used for DblClick event.
(since 7.0) Middle, ShiftMiddle, CtrlMiddle, AltMiddle, ShiftCtrlMiddle, ShiftAltMiddle, CtrlAltMiddle, ShiftCtrlAltMiddle. The Middle prefix cannot be used for Click and DblClick events.
Remember, not all key prefixes are possible in all browsers. Some browsers use some prefixes for built-in functions.
If there is no action defined for the actual key prefix, it is called an action without prefix, if it exists.
For example there is called OnCtrlShiftRightClick event, if there is no action defined for this event, it is called OnClick.
Touch event names (for tablets and mobiles) (new 7.0)
There are available events for one or more fingers touching down the pad.
If defined more handlers for the same event with different fingers, it is called only one (even if it returns false) for the specified count of fingers.
For example if defined Click, Click1 and Click3 events, for 1 finger is called Click1, for 2 fingers also Click1, for 3 or more fingers is called Click3. The Click is never called if defined Click1.
All the affected fingers must be on the grid, not outside on the pad!
No key or button prefixes for the touch events available!

OnClick - when the target is clicked (touch down and up, without move), it is the same as standard mouse click and is shared with mouse events.
OnLongClick - (new 12.1) when the target is clicked for time longer than 500ms (set by LongClick), (touch down and up, without move), it is the same as standard mouse long click and is shared with mouse events.
OnClick1 - when the target is clicked by one finger
OnClick2 - when the target is clicked by two fingers (called when two fingers are down on touch pad and one of them releases the pad). For the other finger release or move is not called any other touch event.
OnClick3 - when the target is clicked by three fingers (called when three fingers are down on touch pad and one of them releases the pad). For the other two fingers release or move is not called any other touch event.
OnLongClick1 - (new 12.1) when the target is clicked by one finger for long time
OnLongClick2 - (new 12.1) when the target is clicked by two fingers for long time (called when two fingers are down on touch pad and one of them releases the pad). For the other finger release or move is not called any other touch event.
OnLongClick3 - (new 12.1) when the target is clicked by three fingers for long time (called when three fingers are down on touch pad and one of them releases the pad). For the other two fingers release or move is not called any other touch event.
OnMouseDown - when the target is touched down by some finger, called for every finger, it is the same as standard mouse down and is shared with mouse events.
OnMouseDown1 - when the target is touched down by some finger, called for every finger.
OnMouseDown2 - when the target is touched down by some finger and there is already another finger on the pad, called for every finger, except the first one.
OnMouseDown3 - when the target is touched down by some finger and there are already other two fingers on the pad, called for every finger, except the first two.
OnMouseUp - when the target is released by some finger, called for every finger, it is the same as standard mouse down and is shared with mouse events.
OnMouseUp1 - when the target is released by some finger, called for every finger
OnMouseUp2 - when the target is released by some finger and there is still another finger on the pad, called for every finger, except the last one.
OnMouseUp3 - when the target is released by some finger and there are still other two fingers on the pad, called for every finger, except the last two.
OnDrag - when dragging should be started on the target - when user touches down the pad and slightly moves the finger, it is the same as standard mouse drag and is shared with mouse events.
OnDrag1 - when the target is dragged by one finger
OnDrag2 - when the target is dragged by one finger while there is down another finger on the pad. The dragging is done only by one finger, moving of the other finger is ignored.
Moving is done by the finger that first moved enough to start dragging.
OnDrag3 - when the target is dragged by one finger while there are down other two fingers on the pad. The dragging is done only by one finger, moving of the other fingers is ignored.
OnDrop - when dragging successfully finished on the target. Called only if the dragging successfully started and OnDrag returned true. It is the same as standard mouse drop and is shared with mouse events.
OnDrop1 - when dragging by one finger successfully finished on the target.
OnDrop2 - when dragging by two fingers successfully finished on the target, the finger count is got in time of start dragging, by the OnDrag.
OnDrop3 - when dragging by three fingers successfully finished on the target, the finger count is got in time of start dragging, by the OnDrag.
OnDragOver - called during dragging for every target the moving fingers visit. It is the same as standard mouse drag over and is shared with mouse events.
OnDragOver1 - called during dragging for every target when dragging by one finger.
OnDragOver2 - called during dragging for every target when dragging by two fingers, the finger count is got in time of start dragging, by the OnDrag.
OnDragOver3 - called during dragging for every target when dragging by three fingers, the finger count is got in time of start dragging, by the OnDrag.

Touch events do not work in MS IE in any version.
Touch events work in all other browsers on tablets and mobiles and in Chrome and Safari on desktop by default.
Touch events in MS Edge on desktop you have to permit in about:flags, option Touch - Touch events - Enable touch events.
Touch events in Firefox on desktop you have to permit in about:config, option dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled = 1.
Event targets
Every point in grid belongs to one or more targets. For one point in grid can be run more events, for different targets.
The targets are classified into 12 groups, every point in grid can have only one target per group.
To see what targets are assigned to grid points, set <treegrid>/<bdo> Debug attribute to "event" and hover the grid.
The assigned action are called in the order 0 - 11, if any of the actions succeeds, the next actions are not called.

0) Edge - the edge of the cell, now implemented only for header cells and focused cell.
Inside (default value for no edge)
Resize (bottom right edge in grid, for resize grid) / HeaderLeft / HeaderRight (resizing columns, set for cell with Resizing=2)
PagerHeaderLeft / PagerHeaderRight (resizing pager)
HeaderTop / HeaderBottom (since 11.0, resizing rows, set for cell with Resizing=1)
HScrollLeft (edge between left and middle scrollbar) / HScrollRight (edge between middle and right scrollbar)
LeftEdge / RightEdge / TopEdge / BottomEdge (since 11.0, border edge of the focused cell, shown when defined FocusCell="Border,...")
Corner (since 11.0, right bottom corner of focused cell, shown when defined FocusCell="Corner,...")
Note, mouse cursor for the LeftEdge, RightEdge, TopEdge, BottomEdge and Corner cannot be set by action in OnMouseOver, it must be set in TreeGrid CSS style.

1) Special
Sort / SortUp / SortDown (sorting icon or the whole header cell depending on <Cfg SortIcons/> setting)
Radio1 / Radio2 / Radio... (individual Radio type buttons)
DropCol1 / DropCol2 / DropCol... (individual columns in DropCols type, the empty space is the last DropCol)
PagerPage1 / PagerPage2 / PagerPager... (individual pages in right side pager, without empty space)
Left / Mid / Right (horizontal scrollbar)
Levels1 / Levels2 / Levels... (individual tree Level buttons in header, since 10.0)
Popup (popup icon of Button type with List attribute)
Close (close icon of Button type with CanDelete = 2, since 13.0)

2) PartType
Edit + cell Type (e.g EditText, EditInt, ..., only editable cells, for Bool and Radio is returned for the icon only, otherwise returns Nothing)
/ DropCol / DropEmpty (cell Type="DropCols", DropEmpty is the empty space without columns)
/ Link (cell Type="Img","Link", only the link or image, otherwise Nothing)
/ Gantt (cell Type="Gantt") / GanttHeader (header of Gantt type column)
/ Expand (expand or collapse button in tree)
/ Levels (tree level buttons in header, since 10.0)
/ ButtonSave / ButtonAdd / ... / ButtonXXX (all standard and custom toolbar buttons - cell Type="Button", XXX is column name)
/ PanelFiltered / PanelGrouped / PanelSorted / SpaceOff / Space... (all custom panel buttons in Space row, Type="Panel")
/ PanelDelete / PanelSelect / PanelMove / PanelCopy / PanelOff / Panel... (all custom panel buttons in standard row, Type="Panel")
/ HeaderDelete / HeaderSelect / HeaderMove / HeaderCopy / HeaderOff / Header... (all custom panel buttons in Header row, Type="Panel")
/ SideSort / SideDate / SideDefaults / SideFilter
/ SideButton (custom right side Button)
/ SideIcon (custom left / right side Icon)
/ Nothing (other types when CanEdit='0'; Bool and Radio also outside the icon, Bool,Radio,Enum also in ReadOnly mode)

3) Part
Content (standard cell content) / Caption (header cell content) / Side (right/left cell button) / Tree (tree button or lines) / Panel (cell Type="Panel") / Button (cell Type="Button", since 10.0 also for side Icon)

4) CellState
Edited (focused cell in edit mode) / Viewed (focused cell in read only edit mode) / Focused (focused cell) / Regular (not focused cell)

5) CellEdit
Editable / ReadOnly (CanEdit='0') / NoFocus (CanFocus='0')

6) CellKind
Kind + row Kind attribute (KindData, KindHeader, KindSpace, KindFilter, KindGroup, KindSearch, KindToolbar, KindPager, ...)
/ KindUser (standard row without cells, specified by xxxHtml attribute)

7) CellSection
Header (Kind="Header") / Body (body row) / Fixed (head and foot row except header) / Space (space row )
/ PagerHeader (right side pager header) / PagerBody (right side pager except header, including empty space)

8) Cell
Cell (any cell) / PagerPage (right side page, no empty space) / Empty (any other place without cells)

9) Section
Left / Mid / Right / All (space row)

10) RowKind
HeaderRow / BodyRow / FixedRow / SpaceRow / NoRow

11) RowSection
Row (any row) / Pager (right side pager) / VScroll (vertical scrollbar) / HScroll (horizontal scrollbar) / Other

12) Grid
Grid (anything inside grid) / Outside (anything outside the grid, including other grids)
Assigning event actions/callbacks
The event actions can be assigned in TreeGrid XML/JSON or by JavaScript in global Grids array.
In XML/JSON the event can be assigned to cell, whole row, whole column or whole grid in <Actions> tag.
For example: <I Col1OnClickCell='Focus'/> (cell), <I OnClickCell ='Focus'/> (row), <C OnClickCell ='Focus'/> (column), <Actions OnClickCell ='Focus'/> (grid).
If more events are assigned for one cell, they are called in this order: 1) Grids array, 2) one from cell or row or column, 3) <Actions>. If any action returns true, the next are not called.

Dynamical assignment by JavaScript
Every action can be replaced dynamically by JavaScript, by simple assignment, for example:
Grids.OnClickCell = function(Grid,Row,Col,Event) { ... }
row[col+"OnClickCell"] = "alert('click')";
row.OnClickCell = "..."
grid.Cols[col].OnClickCell = "..."
grid.Actions.OnClickCell = "..."

The action code assigned to XML/JSON can be exact JavaScript code or simplified notation. The action in global Grids array must be JavaScript function.

Simplified notation for assigning actions in XML/JSON
- One action is assigned just by name
[A]<Actions OnClickCell='Focus'/> - do Focus
- Constant action. 1 or 0, useful with other operators to return 0 or 1 independently on result of actions
[1] or [0]<Actions OnUp='GoUp,1'/> - do GoUp and always return success to suppress default behavior for OnUp key event
- Two action are always executed. Separate by plus. The return value is true if at least one action succeeded.
[A + B]<Actions OnClickCell='Focus+ShowDetail'/> - do Focus and next ShowDetail
- The second action is executed only if the first action succeeds. The return value is true if both actions succeeded. Separate by AND or &&. Attention, when you use only "&" instead of "&&", both action are always called!
[A && B] or [A AND B]<Action OnClickCell='Focus AND StartEdit'/> - do Focus and if succeeds, do StartEdit
- The second action is executed only if the first action fails. The return value is true if at least one action succeeded. Separate by OR or ||. Attention, when you use only "|" instead of "||", both action are always called!
[A || B] or [A OR B]<Action OnClickSort='SortAsc OR SortDesc'/> - do SortAsc or, if not possible, do SortDesc
- Action B is executed only when Action A succeeded, Action C is executed only when Action A failed. The colon must not be missing.
[A ? B : C]<Actions OnClickCell='Focus ? StartEdit : ShowDetail'/> - do Focus and if succeeds do StartEdit otherwise do ShowDetail
- Both actions are always executed. The return value is the result of the second action and the first action result is ignored
[A , B]<Action OnMouseOverBody='ColorHover,HoverRowCell'/> - do ColorHover and next HoverRowCell, return value of HoverRowCell.
The operators can be combined together, the operator priority is according to they are listed here, the plus has the highest priority. You can use parenthesis ( ) to change the priority.
<Actions OnClickCell="Focus AND StartEdit+ShowDetail"/> - do Focus and, if it succeeds, do both StartEdit and ShowDetail

Exact JavaScript notation for assigning actions in XML/JSON
You can use any JavaScript code here, for long code is better to define custom JavaScript function and call it here.
Example: <Actions OnClickCell="alert('clicked ['','+Event.Col+']');"/>

Assigning function to global Grids array
You can assign the JavaScript function in script in HTML page or in external script. The assignment must be placed after including TreeGrid script GridE.js.
Example: Grids.OnClickCell = function(Grid,Row,Col,Event){ alert('clicked ['','+Col+']'); }
Event action (function callback) parameters
The event handler is called with parameters TGrid Grid, TRow Row, string Col, TEvent Event.
These parameters can be accessible from the event handler code, for example: OnClickRow = "Grid.SelectRow(Row)".
The Row and Col parameters can be null if there is click outside cells.
The event assigned to global Grids array is called as global function with these parameters - function (Grid, Row, Col, Event).
The event code should return 1 or true for success, 0, false or null for failure.

TEvent properties (the cell properties are related always to mouse position!)
string NameName of event without On, for example MouseMove or Click.
TRow Row, string ColCell under mouse cursor
string TypeType of the cell, like Int or Text
bool CanEdit, CanFocusPermissions of the cell
int X, YPosition of mouse click relative to the cell
int Width, HeightSize of the cell
int ClientX, ClientYAbsolute position of mouse click, the event.clientX, event.clientY
int AbsX, AbsYAbsolute position of mouse click. It is not the same as event.clientX, event.clientY. It is position where will be placed tag with position:absolute.
string LevelTarget group (0-11), for example PartType or CellSection
string TargetTarget name from the group, for example ButtonSave or PagerBody
string PrefixKey prefix, for example Shift or CtrlAlt
int ButtonButton pressed in OnMouseDown, 1 left, 2 middle, 3 right
...and many other internal properties that must not be changed ...
Action name suffix
Action suffix is used to define target cell(s)/row(s)/column(s) the action will affect.
Available suffixes for actions:
F - focused cell(s) or focused whole row(s) or focused whole column(s).
S - selected cells(s) and whole selected row(s) and whole selected column(s).
A - actual cell / row / column under mouse cursor.
R - whole row(s). For actions manipulating cell ranges it uses whole rows from all chosen ranges and cells. For actions manipulating whole rows it takes only whole selected / focused rows. With A can return actual row.
C - whole column(s). For actions manipulating cell ranges it uses whole columns from all chosen ranges and cells. For actions manipulating whole columns it takes only whole selected / focused columns. With A can return actual column.
W - whole grid. Takes all cells / rows / columns in grid regardless on current selection / focus / mouse position. Ignores F, S, A, O suffixes.
O - the only cell / row / column. If there are more cells / rows / columns to use (selected or focused), the action fails.
The suffixes can be freely combined, except W with F,S,A,O.
For example OnCtrlClick="ClearCellAR" will clear actual row.
The menu item text for action in cell menu is defined in <Lang><MenuCell ... /></Lang>, there can be defined also different text for action with suffix, e.g. <Lang><MenuCell ClearCellRC="Clear whole row"/></Lang>. Use always order "FSARCWO" in the attribute name suffix.

If called action without any suffix, the target is chosen by:
a) In mouse action, if actual cell is selected or it is Space Button, it takes all selected cells / rows / columns. If actual cell is focused or it is Space button, it takes the focused cells / rows / columns. If actual cells is neither focused nor selected and it is not Space button, it takes the actual cell itself.
b) In key action it takes all focused and selected cells / rows / columns.
Prior 15.0 there was only suffix F and the action without suffix affected only actual cell. The action affecting focused or selected ranges were named differently.
Calling predefined actions from JavaScript
chg 15.0 API method bool


(int target, bool test)
Every action can be also called from JavaScript by grid["Action"+name], for example grid.ActionSave();

The target is used for action suffix, it is bit array of the suffix values. If it is null, it calls action without suffix.
The suffix bit values: F - 1, S - 2, A - 4, R - 8, S - 16, W - 32, O - 64.
For example grid.ActionClear(12) will call action ClearAR.
The target can be temporary changed by CellRanges attribute.
Prior to 15.0 the target could be only 1 as F.

(New 12.0) All actions except dragging and mouse cursor actions can be called just to test if the action will succeed for actual state. Call it with the second parameter as 1, like grid.ActionSave(null,1);

Calling actions from JavaScript is intended just to extend the global mouse or key schema. To provide specific actions for individual cells, use standard API methods like SelectRow or AddRow.
Creating custom actions
Since 12.0 it is possible to create custom actions.
The custom action is created as function assigned to some Grids property.
The function takes three arguments as (TGrid grid, int target, bool test).
grid is the grid object calling the action.
target is set according to the action suffix, the suffix bit values: F - 1, S - 2, A - 4, R - 8, C - 16, W - 32, O - 64.
test is set, if the function is called to test, if the action will succeed. In this case it must not do any action, just return true or false.
The function must return true for success or false for failure.
If set test, the action can also return integer for success as count of affected items, that will replaced the %1 in menu item text.

The action text for cell Menu can be defined in <Lang><MenuCell name="text"/></Lang>.
The custom action can be assigned like any standard TreeGrid action to any TreeGrid event or cell Menu.
The custom action cannot be assigned to dragging events.

For example the next code hides or shows cell content on double click or from right click popup menu:
Grids.HideCell = function(grid,focus,test,show) {
var row = focus ? grid.FRow : grid.ARow, col = focus ? grid.FCol : grid.ACol;
if(!row||!col||(show?row[col+"Visible"]!=-1:row[col+"Visible"]==-1)) return false;
if(test) return true;
row[col+"Visible"] = (show?1:-1); grid.RefreshCell(row,col);
return true;
Grids.ShowCell = function(grid,focus,test) { return Grids.HideCell(grid,focus,test,1); }
<Cfg Menu="|HideCell|ShowCell"/>
<Actions OnDblClickCell="HideCell OR ShowCell"/>
<Lang><MenuCell HideCell="Hide the cell content" ShowCell="Show the cell content"/></Lang>
new 16.0 API method TEvent


( )
Returns actual TreeGrid mouse event object. See TEvent.
Focused vs. actual cell
Predefined actions are done usually for focused or actual cell, row or column. It is not the same.
Actual cell, row or column is under mouse cursor and focused cell or cell range is TreeGrid cursor (blue by default).
Also focused cell or cell range is not the same as selected cells, rows or columns. There can be more selected cell areas, rows and columns and is possible to delete, move or copy them, whereas focused cell or cell area is only one and it is a grid cursor.
When action says that works with actual or focused row / column / cell, it exists in more versions, version without suffix works with actual or focused version depending on event, version with suffix A works with actual and the version with suffix F works with focused and S with selected.
For example DeleteRow ...FSARO has DeleteRowA for actual row and DeleteRowF for focused row and DeleteRowS for selected row.

TreeGrid key events

The event name consists from: On + key_prefix + key_name [+ target].
For example OnUp, OnShiftTab, OnUpEdit

The key actions are called in JavaScript onkeydown event and are called only for focused grid. There can be only one focused grid at a time. The focused grid is set by Grids.Focused property automatically when some cell in grid is focused.
The build-in TreeGrid action should be used with ...F suffix when assigned to key events, to handle focused cell and not active (under mouse) cell.
Key event names
Key names for all possible keys on keyboard.
Key names are defined by KeyNames... attributes for key scan codes. The KeyNames should not be changed, if there is not real reason to do it.

Base keys
A - Z D0 - D9 (keys 0 to 9) Space Tab Backspace Enter Esc
Maxthon browser has disabled Esc key for JavaScript

Control keys
F1 - F12 Ins Del Home End PageUp PageDown Up Down Left Right Pause
In IE have function keys F1 - F12 predefined action that cannot be suppressed (for example F5 always reloads page)
Some function keys F1 - F12 are reserved for system use and cannot be handled by browser on some systems
Safari and Konqueror have disabled Ins key for JavaScript

Other std. keys
Tilde '~' Minus '-' Equal '=' LeftBracket '[' RightBracket ']' Backslash '\' Semicolon ';' Apostrophe ''' Comma ',' Point '.' Slash '/'
Firefox returns for Minus the code for NumMinus and for Equal unknown code 61
Opera has completely different codes for these keys and often conflicts with control keys, for example Apostrophe returns code for Right arrow.

Numeric keys
Num0 - Num9 NumDivide NumStar NumMinus NumPlus NumPoint
Num0 - Num9 keys are identified only when NumLock is ON, otherwise the return code as control key.
The numeric Enter is always the same as Enter, so there is no NumEnter.
Firefox returns NumMinus also for Minus key
Konqueror has problems with identification of NumDivide, NumStar, NumMinus, NumPlus, NumPoint

Lock keys
CapsLock NumLock ScrollLock
ScrollLock on some systems does not work.

Character keys
Key - the OnKey event is called for all character keys.

Key event targets
By default has key event no target that is used for standard controlling when EditMode is off - no cell is being edited.
If the EditMode is on, there are called events for target Edit. If the edited cell is multiline, there is called two actions for targets EditMultiline and Edit - if the EditMultiline action returns true, the Edit action is not called.

Assigning actions for events and function parameters are the same as for mouse events.

TreeGrid API events

The API event handlers can be assigned by two ways: 1) by direct assignment or 2) by TGSetEvent or TGAddEvent function.
These ways cannot be mixed for the same event!
Note, the event handler is your function that is called from TreeGrid code. If you want to call the event handler from your code, just call your function directly with appropriate parameters.
Since 11.0 if any event handler returns null (or undefined), it is ignored like it would not be defined at all. Except OnCorrectDependencies event, here the null (but not undefined) has its own meaning.
Direct assignment
Grids.EventName = function(grid, param1, param2, ...) { ... }
function MyFunc(grid, param1, param2, ...) { ... }
Grids.EventName = MyFunc;

For example:
Grids.OnClick = function(grid,row,col,x,y) { alert("clicked cell "+(row? ","+col+" at "+x+","+y); }
This global event is called for all grids on page, with different first parameter grid.
Assignment by TGSetEvent or TGAddEvent
You can set one event handler per grid by TGSetEvent.
Or you can set more event handlers per event and grid by TGAddEvent.
And remove assigned handlers them by TGDelEvent.
renamed 11.0 chg 11.0 global func. bool


(string name, string id, function func, string ident = null)
Sets TreeGrid event name handler for grid with given id.
Clears all other handlers set for this event name and grid id by TGAddEvent or TGSetEvent.
Use it, if you have more grids and want to call different function for every grid.
nameevent name like "OnClick". If the name is null, the TGSetEvent call is ignored.
idid of the grid to attach the event handler to. This grid need not exist yet in time of call the TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent.
(new 11.0) If id is empty string, the function will be called for all other grids than for those having attached some this event handler by TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent.
(chg 11.0) If id is null, the function will be called for all grids. Always after the handlers attached to exact grid or other grids.
funcany JavaScript function to be called for event raised. It should have the same parameters as the event handler expects.
If the func is null, it only deletes all the event name handlers.
ident(new 11.0) identifier for the func, by it the func can be deleted by TGDelEvent or read by TGGetEvent.
Since 11.0 it returns 0 for error, 1 for event set.
Since 14.1 if used GridED.js on demand script instead of GridE.js static script, the function downloads the GridE.js asynchronously and next sets the event handler.

Example: (both the ways do the same thing)
Standard way:Grids.OnClick = function(G){ if("G1") alert("G1 clicked"); if("G2") alert("G2 clicked"); }
TGSetEvent way:TGSetEvent("OnClick","G1",function(){ alert("G1 clicked");} );
TGSetEvent("OnClick","G2",function(){ alert("G2 clicked");} );

Do not use both ways together; if you set Grids.OnClick, you cannot set it also by TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent and vice versa.
TGSetEvent is useful also when using automatic merging web pages like by Java portal - JSR-000168 Portlet.
Since 11.0 it can be used for all events. Since 11.0 it can be used with TGAddEvent / TGDelEvent. This function slightly slows event execution.
Note, calling TDSetEvent marks the event defined always for all grids, it can cause slightly different behavior for OnRowFilter, OnButtonClick, OnIconClick, OnContextMenu, OnGanttMenuClick, OnGanttRunBoxChanged
renamed 11.0 chg 11.0 global func. int


(string name, string id, function func, string ident = null)
Adds TreeGrid event name handler for grid with given id.
It preserves all other attached events. All attached handlers will be called when the event happens.
With this function you can have more handlers for one event and one grid and you can add and delete them dynamically.
Must not be used with standard event assignment by Grids[name].
Since 11.0 the calling order of attached events is in the order they were attached. First are called handlers for exact grid id (id was set) or the other events (id was "") and finally the events attached to all grids (id was null).
The return value for event is the first non null return value from some handler.
nameevent name like "OnClick". If the name is null, the TGAddEvent call is ignored.
idid of the grid to attach the event handler to. This grid need not exist in time of call the TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent.
(chg 11.0) If id is empty string, the function will be called for all other grids than for those having attached some this event handler by TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent.
(new 11.0) If id is null, the function will be called for all grids. Always after the handlers attached to exact grid or other grids.
funcany JavaScript function to be called for event raised. It should have the same parameters as the event handler expects.
If the func is null, the TGAddEvent is ignored.
ident(new 11.0) identifier for the func, by it the func can be deleted by TGDelEvent or read by TGGetEvent.
It must be unique for given name and id. If it already exists, the func is replaced instead of adding new handler.
Since 11.0 it returns 0 for error, 1 for event added, 2 for event replaced.
Since 14.1 if used GridED.js on demand script instead of GridE.js static script, the function downloads the GridE.js asynchronously and next adds the event handler.
Since 11.0 it can be used for all events. Since 11.0 it can be used with TGSetEvent / TGDelEvent. This function slightly slows event execution.
Note, calling AddEvent marks the event defined always for all grids, it can cause slightly different behavior for OnRowFilter, OnButtonClick, OnIconClick, OnContextMenu, OnGanttMenuClick, OnGanttRunBoxChanged
renamed 11.0 chg 11.0 global func. bool


(string name, string id, type ident)
Removes TreeGrid event handler added by TGAddEvent or (since 11.0) TGSetEvent functions.
nameevent name like "OnClick".
If the name is null, it deletes all event handlers attached to given grid id. In this case the func is ignored.
idid of the grid to delete the event handler(s) from. This grid need not exist in time of call the TGDelEvent.
(new 11.0) If id is empty string, it deletes all other grids handler(s) added by TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent with id as empty string.
(new 11.0) If id is null, it deletes all grids handler(s) added by TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent with id as null.
identIt can be the JavaScript function attached to the event. It must be the same function object you passed to TGAddEvent / TGSetEvent, not newly defined function with the same code!
Or since 11.0 it can be the identifier under it the handler was added (the ident parameter in TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent).
If the ident is null, it deletes all handlers attached to event name and grid id.
Since 11.0 returns true if the handler is deleted otherwise it returns false.
new 11.0 global func. function


(string name, string id, string ident)
Returns TreeGrid event handler added by TGAddEvent or TGSetEvent functions.
nameevent name like "OnClick".
idid of the grid to get the event handler(s) from. This grid need not exist in time of call the TGGetEvent.
It can be also empty string or null. To get appropriate attached handler.
identthe identifier under it the handler was added (the ident parameter in TGSetEvent / TGAddEvent).
returns the attached function object or null for error.