TreeGrid XML

Mouse and key schema

TreeGrid v5.6


TreeGrid mouse and key controlling is fully customizable by settings in <Actions> tag.




Settings of key and mouse behaviors.

You can define all mouse and key events and actions for them - what will happen when user presses some key or clicks by mouse ...

You can define complete key and mouse control schema.

Default TreeGrid key and mouse schema is defined in Defaults.xml file.

Actions are defined globally for whole grid. To set behavior specific to given cell use appropriate cell attributes related to needed action or cell Event... attribute or specific API event handlers or API OnEvent... handler.

Remember, not all actions are suitable for every event and not all, especially key, events can be handled by JavaScript in all browsers!



Actions tag contains attributes named according event name and its value contains predefined action(s).

For example <Actions .... CtrlClickCell=’SelectRow’ ... />


More actions for one event

Every event can have defined more actions. In fact, as action can be set any JavaScript expression that returns false to continue by default event behavior or true to stop event propagation and default action.

Basically you can separate two actions by these operators:

                A + B                                                     Both actions are always executed. The return value is true if at least one action succeeded.

A && B or  A AND B                        The second action is executed only if the first action succeeds. The return value is true if both actions succeeded.

                                                               Attention, when you use only “&” instead of “&&”, both action are always called!

A || B or A OR B                                 The second action is executed only if the first action fails. The return value is true if at least one action succeeded.

Attention, when you use only “|” instead of “||”, both action are always called!

A ? B : C                                              Action B is executed only when Action A succeeded, Action C is executed only when Action A failed. The colon must not be missing.

A , B                                                      Both actions are always executed. The return value is the result of the second action (the first action result is ignored).

Priority of operators is the same as in JavaScript (from highest to lowest):  + && || ?: ,  The AND is replaced by &&, the OR is replaced by ||, the empty space by +

You can always use parenthesis to change the priority of operators.

Actions are executed in order they are listed. When action fails returns false, when succeeds returns true.

For example <Actions ... DragCell = “DragRow OR SelectRowRange” ... /> - when a user catches row by mouse the row will start being dragged if dragging is permitted for the grid and column, otherwise it starts selecting range.

Or example <Actions ... ClickCell = “StartEdit || Focus && ShowDetail” .../> - starts editing on click and if editing is not possible focuses the cell and shows it in detail grid


Custom API events

For every action event is run also its API event handler, if defined.

The event is named OnEventName, where the Name is event name like Click or CtrlDel, for example OnEventCtrlClick.

See API OnEvent....


Custom actions

You can call as action any global JavaScript function. In this case you need to use standard parenthesis ( ) after function name. In fact, you can use in action expression any JavaScript expression (but not command like assignment), but you should avoid too complicated expressions and rather call custom functions.

For example:

<Actions ClickCell=”MyFunc() OR alert(‘problem!’)”/>

and in <script>

function MyFunc(){ alert(“grid clicked”); return true; }


In action code (but not in your custom function) you can use keyword this to access the actual grid.

For example:

<Actions ClickCell=”MyFunc(this,this.ARow,this.ACol)”/>

and in <script>

function MyFunc(grid,row,col){ alert(“clicked ”+ + “,”+col); return true; }


Changing action dynamically by JavaScript API

The action can be changed from JavaScript by API method ChangeAction (name, action).

For example grid.ChangeAction ("ClickCell","alert('Cell clicked')");


Calling actions from JavaScript

Every action can be also called from JavaScript by grid[“Action”+name], for example grid.ActionSave( );

To use ...F (focused) version of action, you need to call it with the first parameter as 1, for example grid.ActionSelectRow(1); => There is no method named ActionSelectRowF.

Some actions are related to focused row or cell. The focused cell can be changed by Focus method.

Some actions are related to actual row or cell. This cannot be changed, it is always cell under mouse cursor.

Calling actions from JavaScript is intended just to extend the global mouse or key schema. To provide specific actions for individual cells, use standard API methods like SelectRow or AddRow.


Focused vs. actual cell

Actions are done usually for focused or actual cell or row. It is not the same.

Actual cell or row is under mouse cursor and focused cell or row is with TreeGrid cursor (blue by default).

Also focused row or cell is not the same as selected row or cell. There can be more selected cells and rows and is possible to delete, move or copy them, whereas focused cell is only one and it is a grid cursor.

When action says that works with actual or focused row / column / cell, it exists in two versions, one without postfix works with actual and the second with postfix F works with focused.

For example DeleteRow ...F has DeleteRow for actual row and DeleteRowF for focused row.


Bubbling events

Every event target can have set its parent. The parent’s action is executed when this action fails.

When the focused cell (for key events) or actual cell (for mouse events) has set its Event attribute for the actual event, this action is called first.



Event list


Event names

Event name is set up from three parts: Prefix + Name + Target.

For example CtrlClickCell – Ctrl is the prefix, Click is the name, Cell is the target. For example AltEnterEdit – Alt is the prefix, Enter is the name, Edit is the target.



Prefix is state of control keys Shift, Ctrl, Alt. It can be combined of more of them or also can be empty. When combined, the keys must be in this order: Shift, Ctrl, Alt.

The prefixes are the same for mouse and key events.

For example ClickCell, CtrlClickCell, AltClickCell, ShiftClickCell, ShiftCtrlClickCell, CtrlAltClickCell, ShiftAltClickCell, ShiftCtrlAltClickCell.


Mouse event names

Base names of events done by mouse

Click                     single click of left button, when its action returns true, it suppresses DblClick event.

Down                     left mouse button pushed down, when its action returns true, it suppresses Click event.

DblClick               double click of left button

RightClick           single click of right button

Drag                      moving mouse with left button held. The action is resolved and starts being executed when the mouse button is pushed down and mouse moves for 5px, see DragSize attribute.


Mouse event targets

A place in grid where is the mouse pointer in time of event.

Mouse events bubble. It means that if the action fails, it continues with action of parent action.

Every target can have set its parent target that will be executed when the action fails. The parent is set by TargetParent=’Target’, for example CellParent=’Grid’.

For example when a user clicks to right side button, it calls ClickButton action, if it fails, calls ClickCell, if it fails calls ClickGrid. If any action succeeds, no next action is called and bubbling stops.


Target name                         Parent target       Description

Cell                                        Grid                        Any cell except header and panel cells

Edited                                                                   Actually edited cell (input or textarea). Remember, it does not have any parent event, so in this case is not called any other action.

Bool                                      Cell                        Cell type Bool

Radio                                    Cell                        Cell type Radio

Link                                      Cell                        Link in cell type Link or Img

Button                                   Cell                        Any right side button in cell

ButtonCalendar                 Button                   Right side button type “Date”

ButtonDefaults                   Button                   Right side button type “Defaults”

ButtonUser                          Button                   Right side button type “Button”, “Img”, “Html”

Expand                                 Cell                        Expand / collapse icon in tree

DropCols                             Cell                        Column names in space row, usually used as custom area in Group row (To group by, drag column here ...).

Header                                  Grid                        Any header cell (except panel) in single line header and any header cell in main row (except panel) in multiline header

HeaderMulti                       Header                  Cell in multiline header other than in main row

HeaderLeft                         Header                  Header cell left edge, size is set by EdgeSize

HeaderRight                       Header                  Header cell right edge, size is set by EdgeSize

SortDown                             Header                  Sort icon on header - top part when SortIcons is set to 2 or whole header cell top part when SortIcons  is set to 3

SortUp                                  Header                  Sort icon on header - bottom part when SortIcons is set to 2 or whole header cell bottom part when SortIcons  is set to 3

Sort                                        Header                 Sort icon header when SortIcons is set to 0 or whole header cell when SortIcons  is set to 1

Panel                                     Grid                        Any panel button except header

Delete                                    Panel                     Panel delete button

Select                                     Panel                     Panel select button

Move                                    Panel                     Panel move button

Copy                                      Panel                     Panel copy button

Grouped                              Panel                     Panel group on/off button in group row

Filtered                                Panel                     Panel filter on/off button in filter row

Searched                              Panel                     Panel search on/off button in search row

HeaderPanel                       Grid                        Panel in header

HeaderDelete                      HeaderPanel        Panel delete button on header

HeaderSelect                      HeaderPanel        Panel select button on header

HeaderCopy                       HeaderPanel        Panel copy button on header

PagerPage                             Grid                        Pager page

PagerHeader                      Grid                        Pager caption

PagerHeaderLeft              PagerHeader        Pager caption left edge, size is set by EdgeSize

PagerHeaderRight           PagerHeader        Pager caption right edge, size is set by EdgeSize

ButtonSave                         Grid                        Toolbar button Save changes

ButtonReload                     Grid                        Toolbar button Reload grid

ButtonRepaint                    Grid                        Toolbar button Refresh pages

ButtonCalc                          Grid                        Toolbar button Calculations on / off

ButtonSort                          Grid                        Toolbar button Sorting on / off

ButtonPrint                         Grid                        Toolbar button Print

ButtonExport                     Grid                        Toolbar button Export

ButtonExpandAll              Grid                        Toolbar button Expand all rows

ButtonCollapseAll            Grid                        Toolbar button Collapse all rows

ButtonAdd                           Grid                        Toolbar button Add new row

ButtonAddChild                 Grid                        Toolbar button Add new row into children

ButtonCfg                           Grid                        Toolbar button Show configuration menu

ButtonColumns                  Grid                        Toolbar button Show columns visibility menu

ButtonHelp                         Grid                        Toolbar button Show help

Resize                                   Grid                        Bottom right edge of grid, to resize grid

Empty                                   Grid                        Any space without cells inside the grid

Grid                                                                      Any point inside grid

Outside                                                                Any point outside the grid


Key event names

Key names for all possible keys on keyboard.

Key names are defined by KeyNames... attributes for key scan codes. The KeyNames should not be changed, if there is not real reason to do it.


Base keys            

A - Z   D0 - D9 (keys 0 to 9)   Space   Tab   Backspace   Enter   Esc

                Maxthon browser has disabled Esc key for JavaScript


Control keys       

F1F12   Ins   Del   Home   End   PageUp   PageDown   Up   Down   Left   Right   Pause

                In IE have function keys F1 – F12 predefined action that cannot be suppressed (for example F5 always reloads page)

                Some function keys F1 – F12 are reserved for system use and cannot be handled by browser on some systems

                Safari and Konqueror have disabled Ins key for JavaScript


Other std. keys    

Tilde ‘~’    Minus ‘-‘   Equal ‘=’   LeftBracket ‘[‘    RightBracket ‘]’   Backslash ‘\’   Semicolon ‘;’  Apostrophe ‘’’   Comma ‘,’    Point ‘.’    Slash ‘/’

                Firefox returns for Minus the code for NumMinus and for Equal unknown code 61

                Opera has completely different codes for these keys and often conflicts with control keys, for example Apostrophe returns code for Right arrow.


Numeric keys      

Num0Num9   NumDivide   NumStar   NumMinus   NumPlus   NumPoint  

                Num0 – Num9 keys are identified only when NumLock is ON, otherwise the return code as control key.

The numeric Enter is always the same as Enter, so there is no NumEnter.

                Firefox returns NumMinus also for Minus key

                Konqueror has problems with identification of NumDivide, NumStar, NumMinus, NumPlus, NumPoint


Lock keys            

CapsLock   NumLock   ScrollLock

                ScrollLock on some systems does not work


Key event targets

By default has key event no target that is used for standard controlling when EditMode is off – no cell is being edited.

The default empty target can be referenced as parent named Default, for example EditParent=”Default”

                Edit                       Edit mode is on, some cell is being edited. Remember this target has set no parent by default, so no keys defined in default target are used here.

                EditMultiline      Multiline cell (Lines type) is being edited. This event has by default set its parent to Edit.


Special event names

Special events are executed for some actions in grid. They have not prefix or target.

                Focus                    Executed when cursor is moved to another cell. It is raised by Focus action and all Navigation actions.

It can be used for example to clear selection or show detail grid.

                BeforeClick        Executed after any click to grid. It is executed before any click events. Its return value is ignored.

It can be used for example to clear selection.

                AfterClick           Executed after any click to grid. It is executed after all click events independently on their return value. Its return value is ignored.

It can be used for example to show detail grid.

                BeforeDblClick  Executed after double click to grid, but before any double click event. Its return value is ignored.

                AfterDblClick     Executed after double click to grid and after all double click events. Its return value is ignored.

                BeforeRightClick              Executed after right click to grid, but before any right click event. Its return value is ignored.

                AfterRightClick Executed after right click to grid and after all right click events. Its return value is ignored.



Action list


Base actions

                “”                                           Nothing, the event is ignored (but API OnEvent... handler is still called when is defined)

                Activate                                Activates grid, grid will handle key events

                Deactivate                           Deactivates grid, grid will not handle key events

                Focus                                    Focuses actual cell => moves cursor to cell under mouse cursor. It fails if cell cannot be focused.

                ChangeFocus                      Focuses actual cell => moves cursor to cell under mouse cursor. It fails if cell is already focused or cannot be focused.

                FocusRow                            Focuses cell in actual row and focused column. If the cell cannot be focused, focuses only row. It fails if the row cannot be focused.

                StartEdit                              Starts editing focused cell. It fails if cell cannot be edited or there is no focused cell or some cell is already being edited.

Blur                                      Defocuses grid, hides cursor


Selection actions

See also mouse dragging actions for selecting by mouse drag listed below

                SelectRow ...F                     Selects actual or focused row, does not clear previous selection. Fails if row is already selected.

                DeselectRow ...F                 Deselects actual or focused row, does not clear previous selection. To invert selection action use “SelectRow OR DeselectRow”

                SelectCell ...F                      Selects actual or focused cell, does not clear previous selection. Fails if cell is already selected.

                DeselectCell ...F                 Deselects actual or focused cell, does not clear previous selection. To invert selection action use “SelectCell OR DeselectCell”

                SelectCol ...F                       Selects whole actual or focused column      

                DeselectCol ...F                  Deselects whole actual or focused column. To invert selection action use “SelectCol OR DeselectCol”

                SelectRowRange                Selects all rows between focused row and actual row, does not clear previous selection

                DeselectRowRange           Deselects all rows between focused row and actual row

                InvertRowRangeFirst      Selects or unselects all rows between focused row and actual row. If the focused row is selected, unselects all, otherwise selects all

                SelectCellRange                Selects all cells between focused cell and actual cell, does not clear previous selection

                DeselectCellRange            Deselects all cells between focused cell and actual cell

                InvertCellRangeFirst       Selects or unselects all cells between focused cell and actual cell. If the focused cell is selected, unselects all, otherwise selects all

                SelectAll                              Selects all visible rows, fails if all rows are already selected. This action can be asynchronous!

                DeselectAll                          Deselects all visible rows, fails if no row is selected. To always deselect all rows you should use ClearSelection instead!

                                                               This action can be asynchronous, so you should not call any other select actions after this in the same event!

                InvertAll                              Inverts whole selection, unselects all visible selected rows and selects all unselected rows. It is not the same as “SelectAll OR DeselectAll”.

                ClearSelection                   Clears whole selection, including hidden rows. It is always synchronous.


Mouse dragging actions

These actions can be used only for mouse Drag... events.

DragRow                             Starts dragging actual row to new position, possible only for Drag event. Dropped row will be moved.

                DragSelected                      Starts dragging selected rows to new position, possible only for Drag event. Fails if actual row is not selected. Dropped row will be moved.

                DragCopy                           Like Drag, but copies row, without its children

                DragSelectedCopy            Like DragSelected, but copies row, without its children

                DragCopyChildren           Like Drag, but copies row, with its children

                DragSelectedCopyChildren           Like DragSelected, but copies row, with its children


                SelectCells                           Starts selecting cells by mouse dragging. Fails if Selecting or SelectingCells is 0.

                DeselectCells                      Starts deselecting cells by mouse dragging. Fails if Selecting or SelectingCells is 0.

                SelectRows                          Starts selecting rows by mouse dragging. Fails if Selecting is 0.

                DeselectRows                      Starts deselecting rows by mouse dragging. Fails if Selecting is 0.

                InvertCellsFirst                 Starts selecting or deselecting cells by mouse dragging. If the actual cell is selected, starts deselecting, otherwise starts selecting.

Fails if Selecting or SelectingCells is 0.

InvertRowsFirst                Starts selecting or deselecting rows by mouse dragging. If the actual row is selected, starts deselecting, otherwise starts selecting.

Fails if Selecting is 0.

                SelectOddRows                  Starts selecting individual rows – every row under mouse cursor is selected

                DeselectOddRows              Starts deselecting individual rows – every row under mouse cursor is deselected

                InvertOddRows                 Starts inverting selection of individual rows - every row under mouse cursor changes its selection state


                ColResize                            Starts resizing column

                ColMove                              Starts moving column

                DropColMove                    Starts moving column in DropCols (usually in Group row)

                GridResize                          Starts resizing main tag


                FillCells                               Starts filling cell values by the actual cell value. It fills to all cells the focused cell value. Use OnAutoFill and OnAutoFillValue events to modify filling behavior.

                FillCol                                  Starts filling cell values by the actual cell value. It fills only vertically.

                FillRow                                Starts filling cell values by the actual cell value. It fills only horizontally.


Row manipulation actions

DeleteRow ...F                    Deletes actual or focused row

                DeleteSelected                    Deletes all selected rows. This action can be asynchronous!

                UndeleteRow ...F                                Undeletes actual or focused row, to invert deletion use “DeleteRow OR UndeleteRow”

                UndeleteSelected               Undeletes all selected rows, to invert deletion use “UndeleteSelected OR DeleteSelected” - remember, here it depends on the order!

                                                               This action can be asynchronous!

                RemoveRow ...F                 Physically removes the row. The row will no longer exist in grid and cannot be updated to server!

                RemoveSelected ...F          Physically removes all selected rows. The rows will no longer exist in grid and cannot be updated to server! This action can be asynchronous!

                AddRow ...F                        Adds new row above actual or focused row.

                AddRowBelow ...F             Adds new row below actual or focused row.

AddRowEnd                       Adds new row to the end of page. When set <Cfg AddRowEnd=’1’/> it adds new row to the end of grid.

                AddChild ...F                      Adds new row into actual or focused row children to the beginning

                AddChildEnd ...F               Adds new row into actual or focused row children to the end


                MoveSelected                     Moves selected rows above actual or focused row

                MoveSelectedChild            Moves selected rows into actual or focused row children to the beginning

                MoveSelectedChildEnd    Moves selected rows into actual or focused row children to the end


                CopyRow ...F                      Copies actual or focused row, the new row is placed above the row

                CopyTree ...F                     Copies actual or focused row with all children, the new row is placed above the row

                CopyEmpty ...F                  Copies actual or focused row with all children, but without their values, the new row is placed above the row

                CopySelected ...F                               Copies selected rows before the actual or focused row. It copies only rows that can be copied in the location.

It fails if no selected row can be copied to the location.

                CopySelectedChild ...F                     Like CopySelected, but copies as the first children of actual or focused row.

                CopySelectedChildEnd ...F             Like CopySelected, but copies as the last children of actual or focused row.

                CopySelectedTree ...F                      Copies selected rows with children before actual or focused row.

                CopySelectedTreeChild ...F           Like CopySelectedChildren, but copies as the first children of actual or focused row.

CopySelectedTreeChildEnd ...F    Like CopySelectedChildren, but copies as the last children of actual or focused row.

                CopySelectedEmpty ...F                  Copies selected rows with children, but without values, before actual or focused row.

                CopySelectedEmptyChild ...F        Like CopySelectedEmpty, but copies as the first children of actual or focused row.

                CopySelectedEmptyChildEnd ...F                Like CopySelectedEmpty, but copies as the last children of actual or focused row.

                CopySelectedEnd                              Copies selected rows to the end of the actual page

                CopySelectedTreeEnd                     Copies selected rows with children to the end of the actual page

                CopySelectedEmptyEnd                 Copies selected rows with children, but without values, to the end of the actual page


                CopyMenu ...F                    Shows menu for copying or adding before actual or focused row or to children. Displaying individual menu items depends on <Panel Copy> attribute and row state.

                                                               You can also remove individual menu items by deleting texts for the menu items from Text.xml.

                CopyMenuEnd ...F            Shows menu for copying or adding before actual or focused row or to children or to the end of page.

                CopyRowMenu ...F           Shows menu for copying or adding before actual or focused row

                CopyChildMenu ...F         Shows menu for copying or adding to actual or focused row children to the beginning

                CopyRowMenuEnd ...F    Shows menu for copying or adding before actual or focused row or the end of page

                CopyChildMenuEnd ...F  Shows menu for copying or adding to actual or focused row children to the beginning or to the end


Navigation actions

                GoDown                               Goes down to the first focusable cell

                GoUp                                    Goes up to the first focusable cell

                GoLeft                                 Goes left to the first focusable cell

                GoRight                               Goes right to the first focusable cell

                TabLeft                               Goes left to the first focusable cell, if there is none, continues up, from right

                TabRight                             Goes right to the first focusable cell, if there is none, continues down, from left

                PageDown                           Goes down for count of displayed pages or when displayed one page at a time, goes to previous page. It does not change focused column.

                PageUp                                Goes up for count of displayed pages or when displayed one page at a time, goes to next page. It does not change focused column.

                GoFirst                                Goes to the first variable row. It does not change focused column.

                GoLast                                 Goes to the last variable row. It does not change focused column.

                TabLeftEdit                       Goes left to the first editable cell, if there is none, continues up, from right

                TabRightEdit                     Goes right to the first editable cell, if there is none, continues down, from left

                GoLeftEdit                         Goes left to the first editable cell

                GoRightEdit                       Goes right to the first editable cell

                GoDownEdit                       Goes down to the first editable cell

                GoUpEdit                            Goes up to the first editable cell


Tree actions

                Expand ...F                          Expands actual or focused row, fails if row is already expanded or cannot be expanded or does not have children.

                Collapse ...F                        Collapses actual or focused row, fails if row is not expanded or cannot be expanded or does not have children.

Use “Expand OR Collapse” to invert expand state

                ExpandAll                           Expands all rows. This action can be asynchronous!

                ExpandAllLoaded            Expands all loaded rows (for server paging). This action can be asynchronous!

                CollapseAll                         Collapses all rows. This action can be asynchronous!

                Indent ...F                            Increases level of actual or focused row. Moves the row as the last child of previous row.

                Outdent ...F                         Decreases level of actual or focused row. Moves the row below its parent row.


Features actions

                SortAsc ...F                          Sorts according to actual or focused column ascending – adds the column as the first to sorting.

Returns false if the column is already the first column and is sorted ascending otherwise sorts it ascending

                SortDesc ...F                        Sorts according to actual or focused column descending – adds the column as the first to sorting.

Returns false if the column is already the first column and is sorted descending otherwise sorts it descending

                SortAscAdd ...F                  Adds the actual or focused column to sorting to the end and sorts it ascending

                                                               If the column is already sorted, returns false if it is sorted ascending otherwise sorts it ascending, but does not change its position in sorting.

                                                               If there are already three columns sorted, it returns false.

                                                               When between clicks are more than two seconds or a user clicks also outside header, it clears sorting and starts from first column again.

                SortDescAdd ...F                                Adds the actual or focused column to sorting to the end and sorts it descending, see the SortAscAdd.

                NoSort ...F                           Removes the actual or focused column from sorting and re-sorts grid

                DefaultSort                         Restores the sorting settings set in input XML data

                SortOn                                 Enables sorting in grid and re-sorts grid. It fails if sorting is already enabled.

                SortOff                                Disables sorting in grid. It fails if sorting is already disabled.

                GroupBy ...F                       Groups by actual or focused column as the first column, fails if grid is already grouped by this column

                GroupByLast ...F              Groups by actual or focused column as the last column, fails if grid is already grouped by this column

                UnGroupBy ...F                 Removes the actual or focused column, fails if grid is not grouped by this column

                GroupOn                             Enables grouping in grid and re-groups it according to actual settings. It fails if groupings already enabled.                               

                GroupOff                            Disables grouping in grid and un-groups it. It does not clear actual grouping settings. It fails if groupings already disabled.

                FilterOn                               Enables filtering in grid and re-filters it according to actual settings. It fails if filtering already enabled.                              

                FilterOff                              Disables filtering in grid and un-filters it. It does not clear actual filter settings. It fails if filtering already disabled.

                SearchOn                            Enables searching in grid and re-searches it according to actual settings. It fails if searching already enabled.                               

                SearchOff                            Disables searching in grid and clear search. It does not clear actual search settings. It fails if searching already disabled.

                CalcOn                                 Enables calculations in grid and recalculates it. It fails if calculations are already enabled.

                CalcOff                                Disables calculations in grid. It fails if calculations are already disabled.


Column actions

                ResizeColLeft                     Narrows focused column

                ResizeColRight                   Extends focused column width

                MoveColLeft                      Moves focused column left for one place

                MoveColRight                    Moves focused column right for one place

                HideCol ...F                         Hides actual or focused column

                ShowColLeft ...F                Shows hidden column left side from actual or focused cell

                ShowColRight ...F             Shows hidden column right side from actual or focused cell


Copy & Paste actions

CCopy... actions can be set only for CtrlC or CtrlX events, Paste... actions can be set only for CtrlV event.

Actions in these events must return 0 to permit the default function, use zero after comma like “CCopyRow,0”

                CCopyRow                          Copies to clipboard focused row, values tab separated

                CCopyCol                           Copies to clipboard focused column, values CRLF separated

                CCopyColLevel                 Copies to clipboard focused column, only rows in the same parent as the focused row, values CRLF separated

                CCopyCell                           Copies to clipboard focused cell value

                CCopySelected                   Copies to clipboard all selected rows, cell values are tab separated, rows are CRLF separated.

                ExcludeRow                       Copies to clipboard focused row and deletes it

                ExcludeSelected                Copies to clipboard all selected rows and deletes them

                PasteToRow                       Pastes data from clipboard to focused row only, if the pasted range contains more rows, an alert is displayed.

                PasteToRowFill                 Pastes data from clipboard to focused row and to the next rows (if in tree, in the same parent only).

PasteToRowAdd                Pastes data from clipboard to focused and next rows are added after the focused row. Tree structure of pasted data is not preserved.

                PasteToNewRow               Inserts new rows in front of the focused row and pastes data from clipboard here. Tree structure of pasted data is not preserved.

PasteToSelected                Pastes data from clipboard to selected rows, if the pasted range has different size, an alert is displayed

PasteToCol                         Pastes data from clipboard to focused column only, if the pasted range contains more columns, an alert is displayed.

PasteToColLevel              Pastes data from clipboard to focused column only, to rows only in the same parent in tree, if the pasted range contains more columns, an alert is displayed.

PasteToColFill                  Pastes data from clipboard to focused column and to the next columns.

PasteToColFillLevel        Pastes data from clipboard to focused column and to the next columns, to rows only in the same parent in tree

PasteToRowFirst              Like PasteToRow, but pastes data always from the first left column

                PasteToRowFillFirst        Like PasteToRowFill, but pastes data always from the first left column

                PasteToRowAddFirst       Like PasteToRowAdd, but pastes data always from the first left column

                PasteToNewRowFirst      Like PasteToNew, but pastes data always from the first left column

                PasteToSelectedFirst       Like PasteToSelected, but pastes data always from the first left column

PasteToColFirst                Pastes data from clipboard to focused column only, starts always in the first row, if the pasted range contains more columns, an alert is displayed.

PasteToColLevelFirst     Pastes data from clipboard to focused column only to rows only in the same parent in tree, starts always in the first row, if the pasted range contains more columns, an alert is displayed.

PasteToColFillFirst         Pastes data from clipboard to focused column and to the next columns, starts always in the first row

PasteToColFillLevelFirst              Pastes data from clipboard to focused column and to the next columns, to rows only in the same parent in tree, starts always in the first row


Undo & Redo actions

                Undo                                     Undoes the last grid modification (cell change, add row, delete row(s), move row(s), copy row(s)). Does not affect filter row and rows with NoUpload=’1’

                UndoAll                               Undoes all modifications done since last save or accepting changes or reloading body or grid

                Redo                                      Does again the last undone action. It can be done only when between Undo and Redo was not done any other modification.

                RedoAll                                Does again all undone actions. It can be done only when between Undo and Redo was not done any other modification.

                ClearUndo                          Clears undo buffer.


Toolbar actions

                Save                                      Uploads changes to server and accepts them

                Validate                               Validates data according to settings in Validate

                Reload                                  Reloads grid, cancels changes

                Repaint                                Refreshes pages, when too many pages are displayed, the grid can slow down

                Export                                  Creates report for export and sends it to server

                Print                                     Shows printable version or grid and displays dialog for printing

                ShowCfg                              Shows menu with grid configuration

                ShowColumns                    Shows menu to choose columns visibility

                ShowHelp                            Show TreeGrid user help page

GridResizeDefault            Resizes main tag back to original size


Master / detail actions

                ShowDetail ...F                   Shows data in detail grid for actual or focused row. It fails, if details grid already shows data for given row or the row is not master row.

                RefreshDetail ...F              Shows or refreshes data in detail grid for actual or focused row. It fails, if the row is not master row.

                ClearDetail ...F                  Clears detail grid for actual or focused row. It fails, if the row is not master row.


EditMode actions

                AcceptEdit                          Ends editing, saves changed value, returns true when editing was finished, even if value was not saved

                                                               Changes are automatically accepted also by any change of focus by navigation actions – if you want to discard changes, call CancelEdit first.

                CancelEdit                          Cancels editing, discards changes, return true when editing was finished

                NewLine                               Puts LF into textarea

ChangeRadioRight           Selects next radio button in Radio type focused cell. If none is selected, selects the first button. Usually used in edit mode for Right key.

ChangeRadioLeft             Selects previous radio button in Radio type focused cell. If none is selected, selects the last button. Usually used in edit mode for Left key.


Cell actions

ChangeBool ...F                 Changes value in Bool type cell – checks or unchecks checkbox.

ShowLink ...F                     Navigates to URL in Link or Img type actual or focused cell.

ShowDefaults ...F               Displays dialog with default values for the actual or focused cell

ShowCalendar ...F             Displays dialog for selecting date for the actual or focused cell

ShowPopupMenu ...F        Displays pop-up menu for the actual or focused cell

ButtonClick ...F                  Calls OnButtonClick event for actual or focused cell with Button type Button, Img or Html



Useful examples of actions


When deleting selected rows, shows confirm message also when are deleted rows shown (<Cfg ShowDeleted=’1’>)

ClickHeaderDelete = "UndeleteSelected OR (!this.ShowDeleted OR confirm('Do you want to delete all selected rows?')) AND DeleteSelected"


MS Excel editing behavior – Enter starts editing next cell below.

EnterEdit='AcceptEdit AND GoDownEdit AND StartEdit'

Enter='GoDownEdit AND StartEdit'


MS Excel editing behavior – Enter starts editing next cell below. For the last row it adds new one – works only when no fixed row is in footer.

EnterEdit='AcceptEdit AND (GoDown OR AddRowBelowF) AND StartEdit'

Enter='(GoDown OR AddRowBelowF) AND StartEdit'










Document created



Added actions RemoveRow and RemoveSelected



Added actions SortAscAdd and SortDescAdd.



Added Custom actions section and updated Calling actions from JavaScript



Added actions Indent and Outdent

Added Undo & Redo actions

Added Useful examples section



Added actions ExcludeRow and ExcludeSelected