Index of features

TreeGrid v5.6


This document contains reference to attributes and API items according to grid features.

This document does not contain full list of attributes and API items. For full list see appropriate reference documentation.







Grid size


Formatting values

ChildPaging (tree)

Menus and dialogs


Enum type

Master / Detail




Rows by API


Copy / Paste


Columns by API








Spanning columns


Adding and copying


Header – captions


Dragging and moving

Calculating cells



Focusing – cursor





Alphabetical index


Adding and copying


Master / Detail


Calculating cells

Dragging and moving

Menus and dialogs

Grid size

ChildPaging (tree)



Spanning columns


Enum type



Columns by API








Copy / Paste

Focusing – cursor

Rows by API



Formatting values








Header – captions





Sorting rows according to cell values in given columns


<Cfg                      Sorting   SortCols   SortTypes   SortLap   Sorted   AutoSort   SortIcons   ReversedSortIcons   MaxSortColumns   SortSpan   ReSort   EmptyNumberSort   DefaultSortCol

<Pager                   MaxColumns

<C                          Type   CanSort   SortType   WhiteChars   CharCodes

<Root                    CanSort

<I                           CanSort   SortSpan   SortPos

cell <I                    SortValue   SortDescValue

<MenuCfg            AutoSort   ShowIcons

<Toolbar               Sort

<Img                      Sort

Events                   OnSort,   OnSortFinish,   OnGetSortValue,   OnCanReload,   OnSetPageName

Grid methods       ChangeSort,   SortClick,   SortRow,   SortRows,   DoSort

Actions                  SortAsc (F), SortDesc (F), NoSort (F), DefaultSort, SortOn, SortOff



Grouping row to tree according to same values in given columns


<Cfg                      Grouping   Grouped   GroupCols   GroupTypes   GroupMain   GroupLap   GroupFlags   UngroupAction   MaxGroupLength   ChildPaging   EmptyChildPages

<C                          CanGroup   WhiteChars   CharCodes   GroupType   GroupDef   GroupWidth  

<D                          Group   GroupCols   GroupCol   GroupMain   ParentCDef   EditCols   Action   AggChildren   MaxChars

<I                           CanGroup   MaxChildren   MaxChildrenDiff   AggChildren

cell <I                    SortValue

<Group                  Cells   List   ListCustom   Cols   Types   Custom

Events                   OnGetSortValue,   OnGetGroupDef,   OnGroup,   OnGroupFinish,   OnCanReload,   OnSetPageName

Grid methods       DoGrouping

Actions                  GroupBy (F), GroupByLast (F), UnGroupBy (F), GroupOn, GroupOff, DropColMove



Filtering (hiding) rows according to values in given columns


<Cfg                      Filtering   Filtered   FilterEmpty   StandardFilter  

<C                          CanFilter   WhiteChars   CharCodes

<I                           CanFilter   

cell <I                    FilterValue   CanFilter   Type

cell <Filter             Filter   FilterType   Range   DefaultFilter   FilterOff   ShowMenu   MenuItems   Type   value

<Img                      Filter

<Lang>                 <MenuFilter> attributes

Events                   OnGetFilterValue,   OnCanFilter,   OnFilterFinish,   OnRowFilter,   OnCanReload

Grid methods       ChangeFilter,   DoFilter

Actions                  FilterOn, FilterOff



Filtering (hiding), selecting, coloring or focusing rows according to given formula


<Cfg                      Searching   Searched   SearchExpression   SearchAction   SearchType   SearchMethod   SearchDefs   SearchCols   SearchDateFormat   SearchLap

<C                          SearchNames   CanSearch

cell <I                    FilterValue

<Search                 Cells   ExpressionAction   ActionsAction   ListDefaults   ListExpressions

<Search                 ColsDefaults   ColsCols   ColsLabel   DefsDefaults   DefsDefs   DefsLabel   CaseLabel   TypeLabel

<Colors                 Found1   Found2   Found3   FoundXX   FoundAbsolute

Events                   OnGetFilterValue,   OnSearch,   OnSearchFinish,   OnRowSearch,   OnCanReload

Grid methods       SearchRows

Actions                  SearchOn, SearchOff


Copy / Paste

Copy and paste rows or cell values via clipboard


<Cfg                      Selecting   Pasting

<C                          CanCopy

<Header                CopyValue

cell <I                    CopyValue

Events                   OnGetCopyValue

Grid methods       OnPaste,   OnPasteFinish

Actions                  CCopyRow, CCopyCol, CCopyColLevel, CCopyCell, CCopySelected

Actions                  PasteToRow, PasteToRowFill, PasteToRowAdd, PasteToNewRow, PasteToSelected, PasteToRowFirst, PasteToRowFillFirst, PasteToRowAddFirst, PasteToNewRowFirst, PasteToSelectedFirst

Actions                  PasteToCol, PasteToColLevel, PasteToColFill, PasteToColFillLevel, PasteToColFirst, PasteToColLevelFirst, PasteToColFillFirst, PasteToColFillLevelFirst



Selecting one or more rows to do actions (deleting, dragging, copying) with the row range


<Cfg                      Selecting   SelectingCells   SaveSelected    DragEdit

<Panel                   Select

<Header                                CanSelect

<I                           CanSelect   Selected

cell <I                    Selected

<Colors                 Selected

Events                   OnSelect   OnSelectAll,   OnDeleteAll,   OnAutoFill,    OnAutoFillValue

Grid methods       SelectRow,   SelectAllRows,   SelectRange

Actions                  SelectRow (F), DeselectRow (F), SelectCell (F), DeselectCell (F), SelectCol (F), DeselectCol (F), SelectAll, DeselectAll, InvertAll, ClearSelection

Actions                  SelectRowRange, DeselectRowRange, InvertRowRangeFirst, SelectCellRange, DeselectCellRange, InvertCellRangeFirst

Actions                  SelectCells, DeselectCells, SelectRows, DeselectRows, InvertCellsFirst, InvertRowsFirst, SelectOddRows, DeselectOddRows, InvertOddRows

Actions                  DragSelected, DragSelectedCopy, DragSelectedCopyChildren

Actions                  DeleteSelected, UndeleteSelected

Actions                  CCopySelected, PasteToSelected, PasteToSelectedFirst

Actions                  CopySelected (F), CopySelectedChild (F), CopySelectedChildEnd (F), CopySelectedTree (F), CopySelectedTreeChild (F), CopySelectedTreeChildEnd (F)

Actions                  CopySelectedEmpty (F), CopySelectedEmptyChild (F), CopySelectedEmptyChildEnd (F), CopySelectedEnd (F), CopySelectedTreeEnd (F), CopySelectedEmptyEnd

Actions                  CopyMenu (F), CopyMenuEnd (F), CopyRowMenu (F), CopyChildMenu (F), CopyRowMenuEnd (F), CopyChildMenuEnd



Deleting one or more (selected) rows


<Cfg                      Deleting   ShowDeleted

<Panel                   Delete

<Header                CanDelete

<I                           CanDelete   Deleted

<Colors                 Deleted

<MenuCfg            ShowDeleted

Events                   OnRowDelete,   OnRowUndelete,   OnCanRowDelete,   OnDeleteAll

Grid methods       DeleteRow,   DeleteRowT,   DelRow,   HideRow

Actions                  DeleteRow (F), DeleteSelected, UndeleteRow (F), UndeleteSelected, RemoveRow (F), RemoveSelected


Adding and copying

Adding new rows or copying existing row or selected range


<Cfg                      Adding   Copying   AddChildType CopyFree AddRowEnd

<Panel                   Copy

<Header                CanCopy

<Root                    CDef   AddParent

<D                          ParentCDef

<I                           Def   CDef   CanCopy   Added   Parent   Prev   Next   Copy   AddParent

<Colors                 Added

<Toolbar               Add   AddChild   Copy

Events                   OnRowAdd,   OnCanRowAdd,   OnRowCopy

Grid methods       AddRow,   CopyRow,   CopyRows,   MoveRowsToGrid,   ShowRow

Actions                  AddRow (F), AddRowBelow (F), AddRowEnd, AddChild (F), AddChildEnd (F)

Actions                  CopyRow (F), CopyTree (F), CopyEmpty (F)

Actions                  CopySelected (F), CopySelectedChild (F), CopySelectedChildEnd (F), CopySelectedTree (F), CopySelectedTreeChild (F), CopySelectedTreeChildEnd (F)

Actions                  CopySelectedEmpty (F), CopySelectedEmptyChild (F), CopySelectedEmptyChildEnd (F), CopySelectedEnd (F), CopySelectedTreeEnd (F), CopySelectedEmptyEnd

Actions                  CopyMenu (F), CopyMenuEnd (F), CopyRowMenu (F), CopyChildMenu (F), CopyRowMenuEnd (F), CopyChildMenuEnd

Actions                  PasteToRowAdd, PasteToNewRow, PasteToRowAddFirst, PasteToNewRowFirst

Actions                  DragCopy, DragSelectedCopy, DragCopyChildren, DragSelectedCopyChildren


Generating row id

<Cfg                      IdNames   FullId   AppendId   LastId   IdChars   NumberId   IdPrefix   IdPostFix   IdCompare

<I                           id   NewId

Events                   OnSetRowId,   OnGenerateId

Grid methods       GenerateId


Dragging and moving

Moving one or more rows by mouse or by API


<Cfg                      Dragging DragCopy Dropping DropFixed DropFree ShowDrag ExpandOnDrag DragEdit

<C                          CanDrag

<D                          ParentCDef

<Root                    CDef

<I                           Def CDef CanDrag Moved Parent Prev Next

<Colors                 Moved

<Img                      DragOne DragMore

<MenuCfg            ShowDrag

Events                   OnRowMoveToGrid, OnRowMove, OnStartDrag, OnCanDrag, OnEndDrag

Grid methods       MoveRow, MoveRowsToGrid, MoveRows

Actions                  DragRow, DragSelected, DragCopy, DragSelectedCopy, DragCopyChildren, DragSelectedCopyChildren


Focusing - cursor

Grid cursor – focused row and cell

<Cfg                      StaticCursor FocusWholeRow Focused FocusedPos FocusedCol IgnoreFocused

<C                          CanFocus

<I                           CanFocus

cell <I                    CanFocus

<Colors                 FocusedCell Focused CannotFocus

Global properties Grids.Active, Grids.Focused

Events                   OnFocus, OnClick, OnRightClick, OnDblClick

Grid properties     FRow, FPagePos, FCol, ARow, ACol

Grid methods       CanFocus, Focus

Actions                  Focus, ChangeFocus, FocusRow, Blur

Actions                  GoDown, GoUp, GoLeft, GoRight, TabLeft, TabRight, PageDown, PageUp, GoFirst, GoLast

Actions                  GoDownEdit, GoUpEdit, GoLeftEdit, GoRightEdit, TabLeftEdit, TabRightEdit



Editing cell values


<Cfg                      Editing InEditMode EmptyNumber EmptyDate EmptyEnum AcceptEnters Keys Silent SaveValues Undo AutoCalendar

<C                          EditFormat EditMask MaskColor ResultMask ResultText CanEdit EditEnum Refresh

<D                          EditCols

<I                           CanEdit Changed

cell <I                    value EmptyValue CanEdit AcceptEnters EditFormat EditMask MaskColor ResultMask ResultText EditEnum Refresh CopyTo EditServer ClassEdit MergeEdit Range

<Colors                 EditedCell ViewedCell ReadOnly Preview ChangedCell Changed

<Lang>                 <Format> attributes

<treegrid                Cell_

Events                   OnCanEdit, OnCanEditDate, OnValueChanged, OnAfterValueChanged, OnResultMask, OnStartEdit, OnEndEdit, OnGetInputValue, OnSetInputValue, OnKeyDown, OnKeyPress, OnDblClick

Grid properties     EditMode, FRow, FCol

Grid methods       StartEdit, EndEdit, GetString, GetValue, SetString, SetValue, CanEdit

Actions                  StartEdit, AcceptEdit, CancelEdit, ChangeRadioLeft, ChangeRadioRight, ChangeBool

Actions                  ShowLink, ShowDefaults, ShowCalendar, ShowPopupMenu, ButtonClick

Actions                  GoDownEdit, GoUpEdit, GoLeftEdit, GoRightEdit, TabLeftEdit, TabRightEdit

Actions                  Undo, Redo


Formatting values

Formatting displayed values according to cell type

<Cfg                      NoFormatEscape BaseUrl

<C                          Type Format EditFormat ExportFormat

<Header                NoEscape   Wrap

cell <Header         Align

cell <I                    Type Format EditFormat ExportFormat HtmlPrefix HtmlPostfix EmptyValue

<Lang>                 <Format> attributes

Global functions DateToString StringToDate NumberToString StringToNumber

Events                   OnGetType, OnGetFormat, OnLinkClick, OnGetHtmlValue

Grid methods       ValueToString, StringToValue, SetString, GetString, GetType, GetFormat


Enum type

Selection list by HTML <SELECT> attribute

<Cfg                      EnumKeys ClearVariableAttrs

<C                          Enum EditEnum EnumKeys IntFormat Related Refresh EnumType ClassEnum

cell <I                    Enum EditEnum EnumKeys IntFormat Related Refresh EnumType ClassEnum

cell <Filter             FilterOff

Events                   OnGetEnum OnGetEnumKeys

Grid methods       GetEnum GetEnumIndex



Selection type by right side button and pop-up menu

<Cfg                      MaxMenuHeight OverflowDialog

cell <I                    DefaultsServer

<C                          Button WidthPad ButtonText Defaults

cell <I                    Button WidthPad ButtonText Defaults

Events                   OnGetDefaults, OnShowDialog , OnButtonClick,

Actions                  ShowDefaults


Uploading changes to server and reloading grid


<Cfg                      AutoUpdate ReloadChanged SaveValues Validate ValidateText

<I                           id Deleted Added Changed Moved Parent Next Prev Copy NoUpload

<MenuCfg            AutoUpdate CheckUpdates

<Toolbar               Save Reload

<treegrid                Upload_ Check_ Upload_Url Upload_Tag Upload_Data Upload_Format Upload_Xml Upload_Method Upload_Type Upload_Attrs Check_Interval Sync Upload_Param Upload_Params

Events                   OnSave, OnAfterSave, OnReload

Grid properties     Data, Data.Upload, Data.Check

Grid methods       UploadChanges, Save, Reload, ReloadBody, GetChanges, HasChanges, AcceptChanges, GetXmlData, CheckForUpdates

Actions                  Save, Validate, Reload



Saving configuration to cookies or persistent storage or sending it to server


<Cfg                      id Version SuppressCfg PersistentCfg SaveExpanded SaveSelected SaveValues SaveAttrs SaveAttrsTrim SaveSession Cookie

<Cfg                      ColsLap ColsPosLap FilterLap PagerWidthLap CheckUpdatesLap SortLap GroupLap SearchLap

<treegrid                id

Global properties Grids.CookieExpires, Grids.CookieParam

Global functions LoadCache SaveCache

Events                   OnLoadCfg, OnCfgLoaded, OnSaveCfg

Grid methods       LoadCfg, SaveCfg, GetCfgRequest



Export table to Excel or another spreadsheet program


<Cfg                      ExportPrefix ExportPostfix ExportType ExportRows

<C                          ExportFormat CanExport

<Header                CanExport ExportValue

<I                            CanExport

cell <I                    ExportValue

<Toolbar               Export

<treegrid                Export_ Export_Type

Events                   OnGetExportValue, OnExport

Actions                  Export



Printing table on printer


<Cfg                      PrintPrefix PrintPostfix PrintCSS PrintType PrintRows PrintWindowProp

<Toolbar               Print

Events                   OnPrint, OnPrintFinish

Grid methods       GetPrintable, UpdatePrintable

Actions                  Print


Calculating cells

Calculating cell values according to given formula


<Cfg                      Calculated DebugCalc DateStrings EnumKeys CalcOrder ReCalc ClearVariableAttrs

<C                          Formula

<I                           Calculated CalcOrder CalcOrderX Recalc AggChildren

cell <B                   sum count ...

cell <I                    Formula Recalc Action sum count ...

<Toolbar               Calc

Events                   OnCalculate

Grid properties     StopCalc

Grid methods       Calculate, Recalculate, DoAction

Actions                  CalcOn, CalcOff



Displaying rows in tree, expanding and collapsing rows


<Cfg                      MainCol SaveExpanded HideRootTree NoTreeLines NoScrollAfterExpand ExpandAllType AddChildType ExpandOnDrag

<Cfg                      ChildPaging EmptyChildPages RemoveCollapsed

<Root                    CDef

<I                           CanExpand Expanded Count MaxChildren MaxChildrenDiff TreeIcon TreeIconLeft TreeIconTop

<Img                      Line Tree

<Colors                 ChildPage

<Toolbar               AddChild ExpandAll CollapseAll

Events                   OnExpand, OnDownloadPage, OnRenderPageStart, OnRenderPageFinish

Grid methods       HasChildren, Expand, ExpandParents, ExpandAll, Collapse, CollapseAll

Row properties    Level

Actions                  Expand (F), Collapse (F), ExpandAll, ExpandAllLoaded, CollapseAll, Indent (F), Outdent (F)



Displaying root rows on pages, delayed page loading, controlling pager


<Cfg                      Paging PageLength PageLengthDiv RootCount NoPager FastPages PageTime OnePage AllPages Focused FocusedPos FocusedCol IgnoreFocused ReloadChanged

<C Type                Pager

<Pager                   Visible Caption Width CanResize CanHide MaxColumns

<SimplePager       Space HtmlPrefix HtmlPostfix

<B                          id Rows Pos Name Title NameXY Count

cell <B                   sum count ...

cell <I                    PageNameValue

<MenuCfg            ShowPager ShowAllPages

<Toolbar               Repaint

<treegrid                Layout_ Data_ Page_

Events                   OnGoToPage OnDownloadPage, OnCanReload, OnRenderPageStart, OnRenderPageFinish, OnSetPageName, OnGetPageNameValue

Grid properties     Pager, Data, Data.Page, Data.Data

Grid methods       GetPos, GetRowPage, GetPagePos, PagePosToRow, GetPageNum, GetPage, GetRowHeight

Grid methods       DownloadData, DownloadPage, GoToPage, GoToNextPage, GoToPrevPage, UpdatePager, ShowPages, AddPage, RefreshPage, ReloadPage

Actions                  Repaint



Paging in tree – children of parent rows

<Cfg                      ChildPaging EmptyChildPages RemoveCollapsed

<B                          id Rows

<I                           id Copy Count Expanded MaxChildren MaxChildrenDiff

cell <I                    sum count ...

<Colors                 ChildPage

<treegrid                Page_

Events                   OnDownloadPage, OnRenderPageStart, OnRenderPageFinish

Grid properties     Data, Data.Page

Grid methods       GetRowHeight, DownloadPage, RefreshPage, ReloadPage



Master / Detail

Master / detail relationship of two or more grids


<Cfg                      Detail DetailOn DetailExpand

<I                           Detail

cell <I                    CopyTo

<Colors                 Detail DetailSelected

Events                   OnShowDetail, OnShowDetailFinish

Grid methods       ShowDetail, RefreshDetail

Actions                  ShowDetail (F), RefreshDetail (F), ClearDetail (F)


Rows by API

Accessing and iterating rows by API


Grid properties     XB, XS, XF, XH, XHeader

Grid properties     FRow, ARow

Grid methods       GetRows, GetFixedRows, GetSelRows, GetRowById

Grid methods       GetFirst, GetLast, GetNext, GetFirstVisible, GetLastVisible, GetNextVisible, GetPrevVisible, GetPrevShift, GetNextShift, GetNextSibling, GetNextSiblingVisible

Row properties    firstChild, lastChild, nextSibling, previousSibling, parentNode, childNodes (standard DOM HTMLElement properties)

Grid methods       AddRow, DelRow, DeleteRow, DeleteRowT, MoveRow, MoveRows, MoveRowsToGrid, CopyRow, CopyRows, ShowRow, HideRow, Expand, Collapse


Columns by API

Accessing and iterating columns by API


Grid properties     Cols, ColNames, XHeader

Grid properties     FCol, ACol

Grid methods       GetSections, GetNextCol, GetPrevCol, GetFirstCol, GetLastCol, GetColLeft,

Grid methods       ShowCol, HideCol, ChangeColsVisibility, MoveCol, ChangeColsPositions, AddCol, DelCol




Attributes specific to whole columns

<Cfg                      ColResizing ColMoving ShowDrag AlertWidths

<D                          Name=’C’

<MenuCfg            ShowDrag

<C                          Name CanResize CanMove CanDrag CanHide Group Width RelWidth MinWidth AutoWidthChar AutoWidthPlus Visible

<Space                  Cells

cell <Space           Width

Events                   OnColResize OnColMove

Grid properties     Cols, ColNames, XHeader, FCol, ACol

Grid methods       GetSections, GetNextCol, GetPrevCol, GetFirstCol, GetLastCol, MoveCol, ShowCol, HideCol, ChangeColsVisibility,ChangeColsPositions, AddCol, DelCol, GetColLeft, GetCaption

Actions                  ShowColumns, HideCol (F), ShowColLeft (F), ShowColRight (F), FillCol, SelectCol, ColResize, ColMove

Actions                  CCopyCol, CCopyColLevel, PasteToCol, PasteToColLevel, PasteToColFill, PasteToColFillLevel, PasteToColFirst, PasteToColLevelFirst, PasteToColFillFirst, PasteToColFillLevelFirst


Spanning columns

Spanning cells horizontally between columns

<Cfg                      SortSpan

<C                          Group

<I                           Spanned SortSpan

cell <I                    Span Merge MergeStart MergeEdit MergeType



Column captions

<Cfg                      Hover ShowDrag SortIcons ReversedSortIcons

<Header                NoEscape Wrap Visible CanExport CanDelete CanSelect CanCopy CopyValue ExportValue PanelVisible

<Header                Rows Main LeftRC LeftRCSpan MidRC MidRCSpan RightRC RightRCSpan

cell <Header         value ClassOuter ClassOuterHover Align

<C                          Name Width RelWidth MinWidth AutoWidthChar AutoWidthPlus Visible CanHide CanResize Group

<MenuCfg            MouseHover ShowDrag ShowIcons ShowPager

<Pager                   Caption Visible CanHide CanResize Width

Events                   OnColResize OnColMove

Grid properties     XHeader

Grid methods       GetCaption



Row left panel

<Cfg                      HidePanel

<Panel                   Visible Select Delete Copy CanHide ClassOuter ClassOuterHover

<Header                PanelVisible

<Space                  Panel

<Img                      Panel

<MenuCfg            ShowPanel MouseHover



Scrolling grid by scrollbars

<Cfg                      ShowVScrollbar NoScroll NoHScroll NoVScroll NoScrollAfterExpand ShortHScroll

Events                   OnScroll

Grid methods       SetScrollBars, ScrollIntoView, Focus, GetScrollLeft, GetScrollTop


Grid size

Grid width and height, column width, row height, resizing


<Cfg                      ResizingMain MaxHeight MinHeight ConstHeight MaxWidth MinWidth ConstWidth VarHeight RowHeight ColResizing ColMoving AlertWidth

<Pager                   Width CanResize

<C                          CanResize CanMove Width RelWidth MinWidth AutoWidthChar AutoWidthPlus

<I                           MaxHeight MinHeight Height

<Space                  RelHeight MaxHeight

cell <Space           Width

<User                     RelHeight MaxHeight

<Img                      Height Line Tree Panel Sort Filter Row ToolbarHeight ToolbarWidth

Events                   OnColResize, OnColMove, OnResizeMain

Grid methods       SetWidth, CalcWidth

Actions                  GridResizeDefault, GridResize, ColResize


Menus and dialogs

All pop-up menus and dialogs

<Cfg                      OverflowDialog MaxMenuHeight ZIndex ShadowDialog ShadowMenu

<C                          MenuName Menu MenuIcons MenuCaption

<I                           Menu MenuIcons MenuCaption

cell <I                    Menu MenuIcons MenuCaption

<Toolbar               Columns Cfg

<Lang>                 <MenuCfg> attributes

Events                   OnShowDialog, OnShowCfg, OnShowColumns, OnContextMenu, OnCanShowCfgItem. OnCfgChanged, OnColumnsChanged

Grid properties     MenuCfg, Dialog

Grid methods       ShowDialog, CloseDialog, ShowMenu,

Toolbar method  Click

Actions                  Save, Validate, Reload, Repaint, Export, Print, ShowCfg, ShowColumns, ShowHelp, GridResizeDefault



Modal state messages

<Cfg                      SuppressMessage ShadowMessage

<treegrid                SuppressMessage

Events                   OnDisable, OnEnable

Grid methods       ShowMessage, HideMessage, Enable, Disable



<Cfg                      TipStart TipEnd TipPos ShadowHint ShadowTip

<C                          ShowHint ToolTip

cell <I                    ShowHint Tip TipClass ToolTip

Grid methods       ShowTip, HideTip, ShowHint, HideHint

Events                   OnTip




Styles, colors, visibility and other display settings

<Cfg                      Hover ShowDrag NoPager ShowDeleted SortIcons ReversedSortIcons HidePanel HideRootTree NoTreeLines  Top Bottom CellSpacing MovingColBorder

<Styles                  ... all tags and attributes ...

<Style                    ... all attributes ...

<Panel                   Visible CanHide ClassOuter ClassOuterHover

<C                          Visible CanHide ToolTip

cell <Header         value ClassOuter ClassOuterHover Align Visible

<I                           Visible Class Color NoColor NoColorState AlternateColor

cell <I                    ClassOuter ClassInner ClassEdit HtmlPrefix HtmlPostfix Color NoColor Visible ToolTip Error

<Space                  Space Class Tag

<Group                  Space Tag

<Search                 Space Tag

<SimplePager       Space HtmlPrefix HtmlPostfix Tag

<Pager                   Visible Caption

<Img                      Style Grid GridIE6 Height Line Tree Panel Sort Filter Row Toolbar ToolbarIE6 ToolbarHeight ToolbarWidth DragOne DragMore

<Colors                 ... all attributes ...

<MenuCfg            MouseHover

<Toolbar               Visible Space Tag

Events                   OnGetColor, OnGetDefaultColor, OnGetClass, OnSetStyle, OnAfterSetStyle

Grid methods       SetStyle, RefreshRow, RefreshCell, ColorRow, ColorCell, GetColor



Helping attributes for debugging

<Cfg                      DebugCalc AlertWidths DebugActions

Events                   OnDataError, OnLoadError, OnDataErrorDebug

<treegrid                Debug Layout_Debug Data_Debug Page_Debug Upload_Debug Cache CacheVersion

















Not classed yet

<Cfg Prepared CacheTimeout HelpFile

OnData..., OnRender...



Not classed yet

<Cfg SynchroCount


Cell Event...



<Cfg DebugActions

Actions FillCells, FillCol, FillRow + DragEdit



Not classed yet

Button type attributes in Space row